On 9/1/06, Sean Cribbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can specify by="attribute" on the children:each tag, which lets you pick
> the attribute to sort by, which I'm assuming are any attributes of the Page
> model.

Found that by looking at the code but...

I'm now getting repeatable ruby/mongrel crashes while rendering my
pages.  Only the "test" one but instant mongrel death with

zsh: illegal hardware
                instruction (core dumped)  mongrel_rails start -e production -B

I tried to put 1, 2, ... in the "slug" attribute in the subpages and
by="slug" in the parent one.

it is like that:

test (slug="test")
+---- FreeBSD (slug="2", title="FreeBSD ...")
|           \----- body
|           \----- left
|           \----- main
+---- Programs (slug="1", title="Programs...")
            \----- body
            \----- left
            \----- main

test is only
<r:children:each by="slug" order="asc">
  <r:content />
  <hr />

while body is
<h2><r:title /></h2>

<div class="left">
  <r:content part="left" />

<div class="main">
  <r:content part="main" />

Any idea?  Running on FreeBSD 6.1-RC1 on a D820 (dual core) system
with Ruby 1.8.5 and mongrel
Ollivier Robert -
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