> Once we have a robust plugin system going I would love to see someone 
> create an asset management solution similar to Mephisto's. I'm not sure 
> if buckets trump the idea for attachments, but it is definitely causing 
> me to rethink my previous ideas about assets.

> That would probably be up the the plugin authors (and the Mephisto 
> people). But I do think it would be great if code could be shared.

Ya, their asset management is really good.  So simple.  So simple we all 
could have thought of it.  But we didnt.... Rick and Justin did.  Now we 
should ask them if they will play nice with us...

About the plugins.  I know it is on the road map to make a really cool 
plugin system.  I dropped a message about this a week or so ago, and got 
no answer. 

Is there room in the plugin system for  some hooks into the admin 
interface??  What would be really sweet is to be able to define a page 
part as a behavior and have its interface change a bit.  Think about a 
gallery part where instead of a great big text box, the user could add 
descriptions to their sub-folders/albums of photo's.  Or in a menu part 
where you could define and reorder menu items and such.  Hooking into 
those page parts in the admin interface might not be too 'evil'... Would 
need to be able to define a form in radius tags, then parse the result 
of that form(s) in the behavior. 


Nicholas Mulder

Mulder Consulting
905 658 5641

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