I think anyone would like that (me for sure). There was some talk of dnd ordering in the list some time ago, check the archives, and it was mostly positive talking :)

2006/9/24, Tom von Schwerdtner < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This in part comes from my desire (like others) to generate tree-style
navigation for a website, and (personally) to improve generated
sitemaps.  This might introduces more complication than the end-result
warrants, but I'll toss it out there anyway.

What I'm thinking about (and unskillfully hacking at) is the ability
to manually sort the admin view via DnD and to have <r:children> use
this ordering. After some poking around, it looks like it would
require these changes:

1) A new 'position' column in the pages table.
2) upon creation, a page would be given a position of
parent.children.count - any virtual pages.  This would put new pages
at the botom of the list (instead of placing them by title).
3) upon page deletion, any siblings with greater position would need
that value decremented
4) a reposition method
5) tweaks to the page index view to allow the re-ordering, and some
kinda no-JS fallback up/down arrows.

There is quite likely more code it would touch... so I ask: does
anyone want this and would it be worth it?

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