Yes I'm currently employing the selected tag under navigation, here is my current navigation code:

<r:navigation urls="Home: /; Office: /diocesan-office; Ministries: /ministries; Spirituality: /spirituality; News: /news; Calendar: /calendar; Directory: /directory; Church Finder: /church-finder">
  <r:normal><li><a href=""><r:title /></a></li></r:normal>
  <r:here><li class="here"><r:title /></li></r:here>
  <r:selected><li><a href=""><r:title /></a></li></r:selected>

This works fine if I a page is simply a child of a listed url, however if a page is a grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. then the parent/grandparent link is no longer in a selected state (I should have made that clearer). 

See this link for a screenshot which shows the News "tab" currently  selected:

On this page tag/page you'll see a series of links under the heading "Bishop's Column" (November Article, December Article, etc.) If you were to click on December Article for instance the breadcrumb would read "Home > News > Bishop's Column > December Article" and the News "tab" should still be currently selected (though right now it wouldn't be).

I think I've looked at the code for the navigation tag closely enough to now know that this isn't an option as-is.  

Are any additional options within the navigation control currently on the table? I would think that building-in some sort of option such as "selected_if_grandchild" could have universal application. If not, what would be my next best option? 

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of nav scheme in Radiant yet?



On Oct 8, 2006, at 6:04 PM, Bryan wrote:

Loren Johnson wrote:
Does anyone have an idea on how to create a navigation menu using
standard Radiant/Radius tags in which the parent item keeps a "here"
class as long as any child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. is the
current page?

Have you tried using "selected" within the navigation tag?



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