Hi Michael,

Try something like <r:mailer:checkbox name="checkered" value="true" />

I haven't had a chance to try this out yet, but judging from the source code
it should work fine.

Best Regards,
Kevin Ansfield

On 12/12/06, Michael Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi guys,

Regarding the mailer_behaviour, does anyone know how to deal with
checkboxes properly?

I can insert them fine:

<r:mailer:checkbox name="checkered" />

...but when i try to access the value of them in my email_html part:

<r:mailer:get name="checkered" />

...it returns nothing...

if i dont create the email_html part, and just leave the email content
up to the behaviour, it will only show up if it has been checked, and
will look like this:

checkered: ""

does anyone know if it is meant to behave any differently? and if so,
can you point me to some way of modifying the behaviour to return
'true' if checked, or something like that?


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Kevin Ansfield

Technical Director
BN23 Search Ltd.
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