This sounds like a pretty good system.
I'm not sure if my suggestions/concerns are directly related caching,
but they kind of go with it.

The biggest hole in Radiant that I can see is that there is not proper
version management and publishing capabilities.
I work for a large state government organization and I have to use
Microsoft CMS 8 hours a day. It does lots of stuff completely
terribly, but one nice thing about it is it's version
management/publishing system.

Here's what I mean:
You have an existing page, you change some content, there is no way to
preview it or approval process for it other than publishing it and
viewing it live. Maybe this is by choice (I hope not), but I could see
how this is a major reason for lack of adoption on a larger scale.

What I'd like to see:
After a page is changed, a new version is saved and the status for the
new version is set to draft. There's a way to preview this page, and
then publish/approve the page and it would then be live. This is when
it would be "cached".
This still allows for dynamic content and definitely takes Radiant to
the next level for me (dare I say, "enterprise ready").

My $.02, I don't know if you've considered it in your caching scheme.

- BJ Clark

On 1/1/07, Ruben D. Orduz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan,
> It seems you have given this quite a bit of thought, and it could
> work. I'm just worried about when will the ROI of performace hit make
> it be worth.
> Just as an anecdote, I've worked with paid enterprise-grade CMS's,
> open-source CMS's and I've only seen two types of caching:
> 1) The classic: time expiry unless forced by hand.
> 2) Tag-level caching: You can choose which tags NOT to cache. So for
> example, in a news site, pretty much the whole site could be cached,
> except for content produced by <%breaking-news%>.
> Maybe something like that could be adapted for Radiant (i.e. give the
> choice which caching is desired).
> On 1/1/07, Daniel Sheppard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I want radiant to have a more robust caching mechanism than the current
> > 'expire every x minutes' method of doing things - I'd like it to be able
> > to handle just removing things from the cache when things actually
> > change. I've roughed out a plan on how I think this should be done in a
> > safe manner.
> >
> > It sounds like it should work, but this is mainly just what I thought of
> > on the way to work this morning - I'd like people to poke holes in it
> > and figure out any edge-cases I'm missing out on - if this process EVER
> > misses out on the clearing of a cached page, it's pretty much useless.
> >
> > I see a bit off overhead being added to the rendering process (since
> > after_initialize hooks are a performance no-no), but since this should
> > reduce the need for rendering by a huge amount, I'm hoping it'll balance
> > out.
> >
> > I will probably put off an implementation of this until after I finish
> > off my asset extension and get other things running, but I might pull
> > this forward for asset caching as well... not sure yet.
> >
> > ------------------
> >
> > Example Site layout:
> >
> >     Pages:
> >         + Homepage ('main', 'sidebar')
> >             + Articles ('main', 'sidebar')
> >                 - Article1 ('full', 'extract')
> >                 - Article2 ('full', 'extract')
> >
> >     Snippets:
> >         - Header
> >         - Footer
> >
> >     Layouts
> >         - Default
> >
> >
> > Homepage:
> >     <r:find url='articles'>
> >         <r:children:each>
> >             <r:title/>
> >             <r:if_content part="extract"/>
> >                 <r:content part="extract"/>
> >             </r:if_content>
> >         </r:children>
> >     </r:find>
> >
> >
> >
> > 'default' layout:
> >     <r:snippet name="header"/>
> >     <r:content/>
> >     <r:snippet name="footer"/>
> >
> >
> > --------------
> >
> > In this example, the homepage needs to be re-rendered when:
> >     - homepage is modified
> >     - new article child is created
> >     - article1/2 is updated/removed
> >         - article1/2 has extract added/removed
> >     - default layout is modified
> >     - header snippet is modified
> >     - footer snippet is modified
> >     - (please tell me if I'm missing cases here)
> >
> > To know all those things, the following should be more than enough to
> > keep track of:
> >
> >     - any page which is read from db during the render
> >     - any snippet which is read from db during the render
> >     - any layout which is read from db during the render
> >
> > ----
> >
> > New Table:
> >
> >     create_table 'cache_dependencies' do |t|
> >         t.column :page_id, :integer
> >         t.column :depends_on, :integer
> >         t.column :cache_type, :string
> >     end
> >
> > Since this is just a scratch table, perhaps this should use something
> > like madeline or maybe just a tree of files that are locked on write
> > instead of being in the main database file.
> >
> > Filesystem cache:
> >     pages/
> >         page.data
> >         page.cacheinfo
> >
> >
> > An after_save is added to each snippet/layout:
> >
> >     CacheDependencies.find_all_by_cache_type_and_depends_on('snippet',
> > snippet.id) do |cd|
> >         if(File.exists("pages/#{cd.page_id}.cacheinfo"))
> >             File.rm("pages/#{cd.page_id}.cacheinfo")
> >         end
> >     end
> >
> > An after_save is added to each page to do the same, and also an
> > after_create and after_destroy are added to page that will clear
> > anything depending on the parent when a child is created or removed.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > A new class, CacheInfo is registered as an 'after_initialize' on Page,
> > Layout and Snippet.
> >
> > When rendering begins, initialize the CacheInfo object:
> >     CacheInfo.reset
> >
> > When a page/layout/snippet is loaded, it's id is added to a hash in
> > CacheInfo.
> >
> > When the rendering is complete, the cacheinfo is written to the
> > cache_dependencies table, looking something like:
> >
> >     CacheDependencies.transaction do
> >         CacheDependencies.delete_all(:conditions => ['page_id = ?',
> > page.id])
> >         page_depends.each do |pd|
> >             CacheDependencies.create(:page_id => page.id, :depends_on =>
> > pd, :cache_type => 'page')
> >         end
> >         snippet_depends.each do |pd|
> >             CacheDependencies.create(:page_id => page.id, :depends_on =>
> > pd, :cache_type => 'snippet')
> >         end
> >         layout_depends.each do |pd|
> >             CacheDependencies.create(:page_id => page.id, :depends_on =>
> > pd, :cache_type => 'layout')
> >         end
> >     end
> >
> >
> > On each render, if the page.cacheinfo file exists, the page is loaded
> >     - if so, render the page from scratch
> >     - if not:
> >         - send a 304 if the If-Modified-Since header is valid
> >         - otherwise, send the cached page.data file.
> >                 - There will be a setting to use X-Sendfile if it's
> > available to hand off the heavy lifting to apache/lighttpd
> >
> > A .cacheinfo file could also by created to contain a time-based expiry
> > for pages that use out-of-db data
> > or pages that have time-sensitive data (current date, etc), or some
> > other cache-clearing condition.
> >
> > I've made the assumption above that parts are never updated without a
> > page also being updated, but it should just be a case of adding an extra
> > item to the cache table to account for that.
> >
> > Note that this is also extremely extensible - new tables in the database
> > can add in their own after_initialize hooks and after_save hooks to add
> > dependencies and clear layouts without having to interact with the rest
> > of the caching system.
> >
> > Dan.
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