Howdy Todd,

A combination of cloning the <r:children:each> tag (slightly lower in  
the same file) and the metamethod you pointed out should work just  
fine. So it would look more like:

        <r:answername />
        <r:summary />


On Jan 10, 2007, at 7:46 AM, Todd McGrath wrote:

> Hello again,
> I'm making some progress on extensions and now I'm looking for a  
> little push in
> the right direction.
> I'm working on an extension for displaying data from database for  
> the FAQ
> section of a site using tags (mental branch).
> * Created a FaqExtension and include the tag:
>   def activate
>     Page.send :include, FaqTag
>   end
> * in lib/faq_tag.rb:
> module FaqTag
>   include Radiant::Taggable
>   class TagError < StandardError; end
>   tag "faq" do |tag|
>     faq = Answerbookpages.find(:all)
>     raise"Faq cannot be found") unless faq
>     tag.locals.faq = faq
>     tag.expand
>   end
>   tag "faqhello" do |tag|
>     "Hello #{tag.attr['name'] || 'mundo'}!"
>   end
> end
> * "faqhello" (<r:faqhello/>) works and "faq" tag is retrieving from  
> db.
> (Obviously, I have an Answerbookpages class
> I'm looking for some insight to take it further.
> In my FAQ page, I'd like to use something like the following:
> <r:faq>
>   <r:answername />
>   <r:summary />
> </r:faq>
> where "answername" and "summary" are fields in the answerbookpages  
> table.
> Not sure where to begin..
> In the StandardTags class, I see:
>   #
>   # <r:url />
>   # <r:title />
>   # etc...
>   #
>   ((Page.column_names.dup << 'url') - ['class_name', 'created_by',
> 'updated_by']).each do |method|
>     tag(method.to_s) do |tag|
>     end
> Maybe the answer I'm looking for is something similar to this?
> Any thoughts or suggestions are really appreciated
> Thank you,
> Todd
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