Edwin V. wrote:
> John W. Long wrote:
>> Someone created a patch at one point to integrate this into Radiant, but
>> I haven't done anything about it because I don't plan to support
>> multiple languages for the admin until after 1.0.
>> --
>> John Long
>> http://wiseheartdesign.com
> I think localization is very important if you want to use Radiant for
> business. I'm really looking forward to translate Radiant in Dutch so I
> can use it for the websites of my customers. The only problem is that
> they need/want a Dutch admin interface.
> My experience with the localization plugin of Thomas Fuchs is very good.
> (http://mir.aculo.us/2005/10/03/ruby-on-rails-i18n-revisited)
> Implementing this in Radiant wouldn't be that much work. Besides that,
> the plugin is very simple and straightforward, which makes it perfect
> for this application.
> Edwin

I am in the middle of adding localisation support myself. "Almost" done 
- and didn't find this post until now :(

I cannot agree more, Edwin! I believe this is very important! It might 
hold back a bunch of users/sites/co-developers. Use the momentum while 
it's there. SO many open-source projects has died due to lack of 
interest. Also, adding localisation early is a good practice...

The localisation I have added is using Ruby-GetText 
(http://www.yotabanana.com/hiki/ruby-gettext-howto-rails.html) as an 
approach, and it seems to work nicely. One of the real goodies about 
this is the availability of tools to aid the translation. I choose it 
due to the simplicity and the tools "age".

I was planning to submit a patch to the dev-masters when done. Now I am 
a bit sure if they really want it or not?


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