
Moving from Java EJB to Hibernate/Spring was fun.  But, now after resisting 
Ruby/Rails for a while, I'm becoming a believer.  You guys are either on to
something or on something. ;)  Thank you for Radiant, it's fun to work with and
I'm learning alot from everyone.

You know, at risk of overstating the obvious, with a few tweaks the mailer
extension can be turned into an extension that allows form submissions (with
pre-post validation) to save to a database; e.g.


I'm wondering if anyone has comments or thoughts on the save_form method?  I
don't like how it is hardcoded to use the contacts table.  Any thoughts/ideas
on how to make the table more of dynamic, runtime setting?  As you can image,
Contact is simply:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base


BTW- Credit for validation is from paul.vudmaska:

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