Regarding to caching, I might just try the following:

1. Make the page-parts accessible via urls. ( /pagename/partname )
2. Make the snippets accessible via urls.( /snippet/snippetname ... 
might clash )
3. Have a method on PagePart which'll determine if their rendered 
context is dynamic or not. (I.e. if it depends on the clock, or on outer 
datasource then dynamic)
4. Let the controller set up an ssi object, give it the url ( 
url ), put it on stack
5.a When a part/snippet/layout called for rendering and it is dynamic 
ssi.append "<!--#include #{url-of-this-part-or-snippet}-->", and push a 
new ssi on the stack with nil url (of course that stack can be the 
callstack but that's intursive)
After the normal rendering write the popped new ssi to the public dir if 
it has an url
5.b else append the render to the top ssi object ( ssi.append context ), 
and give it a url if that's nil

I expect to get an ssi file that includes in the dynamic parts, which 
made accesible via urls. Those dynamic radiant pageparts can in turn 
include in more static ssi files, and those can include in dynamic parts 
again... which isn't desirable if slow, but I'll fight that another day.
This is all possible because apache2 can do ssi with our radiant output 
too (filter).

I also expect this to be a rocket compared to what we have now.

If I want to control the outgoing header I'd have to mark the outer page 
dynamic so at first it can have-a-go and do the filtering only with its 
output, but this is in the clouds, I can't see if this can be done or 
not. Apache might just hate us trying to set a header once he already 
sent out one because of the ssi. I'll have to try that.

Overhead: little. Dynamic things push and pop once, nothing else. Static 
things do write things twice ( one for ssi and one for response ) but 
then in return it will not run again since the ssi will take over the 

Dependency: when we edit in admin, delete all corresponding ssi... which 
is not obvious a tiny bit, I should have left some breadcrumbs behind 
when appended the just edited part to an ssi. Those dependent ssis now 
need to be deleted.

I wish I could do all this in an extension, but I'm so far unable to 
override anything in Page. If someone with a strong ruby-kungfu can help 
Until then I'll just extend it.


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