First, w00t! :)

Second, I personally have been deleting the vendor/rails directory  
since the release of Rails 1.2.1, so would prefer not to have the  
rails directory, but agree it might simplify the install for newbies  
on shared hosting (where they don't have 1.2.1 yet).

Is there any difference in init/run time with a Rails app running  
Rails from vendor/rails? I'd hope it was the same, but surely the  
full gem install could cache more stuff?


On 04/02/2007, at 6:46 PM, John W. Long wrote:

> After a hard day’s work the core team is pleased to announce the
> immediate release of Radiant 0.6 RC1! Lots of changes have gone into
> this release—too many to enumerate them all at this time of night.
> Suffice it to say that the focus of this release has been the new
> extension system. We’ll make sure there is a complete list of new
> features when this becomes the official release, but for now we  
> want to
> submit it to you for feedback and testing.
> To give it a whirl:
> 1. Download the gem:
> 2. Install it using:
>     $ gem install radiant-0.6.0rc1.gem
> 3. Use the Radiant command to create a fresh project:
>     $ radiant -d sqlite3 path/to/your/project
> 4. Edit config/database.yml to taste.
> 5. Run the new bootstrap rake task:
>     $ cd path/to/your/project
>     $ rake production db:bootstrap
> 6. Configure and start it up on your favorite Web server:
>     $ script/server -e production
> One aspect of this new release that we would especially like  
> feedback on
> is that the new Radiant gem now contains it’s own copy of Rails. Since
> we have been binding each release of Radiant to a specific Rails  
> version
> we thought it prudent to go ahead and package Rails with Radiant. This
> has the side benefits of simplifying dependencies and making  
> booting easier.
> --
> John Long
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