On 2/5/07, Paul Hoehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a radiant instance whose memory footprint grows to 200+ megs
> of RAM.  At which time I have to restart the service.  Does anybody
> have any information about how to size memory requirements for
> Radiant?  (For example, a lot of J2EE servers require 512 Megs to do
> anything useful, but can live quite well within a Gig.)
> If it makes a difference, I'm running Radiant 0.5.2 on windows with
> Rails 1.1.6, backed by SQL Server, running in Production mode..  It's
> behind an IIS server proxy.  Part of the memory headache seems to be
> Windows related, as the memory tops out and "interesting" behaviors
> begin to occur.

Hello Paul,

How are you running your ruby process? Using Webrick and a ISAPI proxy?

Which version of ruby are you suing? 1.8.4 or 1.8.5?

In .5 exist a method to control the memory use of your process:


Also, I'll suggest you look into Mongrel and mongrel_service


A complex, big radiant website (400 pages) will not use more than
100MB of RAM per process (in case you're running a cluster).

Also, current Ruby implementation show memory leaks in long-running
process that use threads, mutexes and synchronization mechanism.

I'll suggest install and use FastThread from MenTaLGuY (gem install
fastthread) and require it early in your config/environment.rb script.

Hope these tips help you,


Luis Lavena
Multimedia systems
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which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi
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