On Feb 8, 2007, at 8:02 AM, Todd McGrath wrote:

> In my case, I think it's going to make more sense for users to have  
> position be
> the default order.  So, I made the following change in  
> standard_tags.rb to set
> default order by to use position in children:each:
> #by = (attr[:by] || 'published_at').strip
> by = (attr[:by] || 'position').strip
> I'll hope this change is incorporated into core in the future :)


In the extension, and extensibly in the patch that may be used in the  
future, the children association has been modified to be:

    Page.reflections[:children].options[:order] = "position ASC"

I can see why you would want this in children_find_options as well.  
Once a collection becomes an array, the position is the natural sort  
order. On the other hand, part of the default behavior of  
children_find_options is to only return children which are published.  
This could be used to argue that published_at is a more appropriate  
sort order.

It would be nice to hear from others on this matter. Please indicate  
why one way is better than another.

   adam williams
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