Jamie, I'm trying to solve the same problem with a different solution.

I've created what a "TemplatePage" type, and all page parts have a 
checkbox for "is_template".

You can then have quicklinks like you described "New Blog Post" that 
would create a new "ContentFromTemplatePage" using the "Blog Post" 
template page as it's base.  Only parts that are marked with 
"is_template" will exist in the newly created page.  If a part is 
referenced in the context of a ContentFromTemplatePage and it doesn't 
exist on that page, then the TemplatePage is was created from will 
provide this part.

That way you can use the "body" part in your TemplatePage "Blog Post" to 
define the layout of the post.

And then have is_template parts  "teaser" and "extended" that contain 
just straight text content.

new "Blog Post" items will be created with a  "teaser" and "extended" 
part (and no body). And when the layout refers to <r:content 
part="body"/> it will pull the formated body part from the TemplatePage 
it was created from, and when that body refers to "teaser" and 
"extended" parts it will show the content you entered for your 
particular blog post?

Make sense?

This and a number of other things, like TinyMCE, FCKEditor, and pages 
attributes (which inherit in the same way that parts do from 
TemplatePage).  Will be part of an upcoming extension currently being 
called the PageAttributes extension.

There's only 1 catch.

I'm relying on changes I made to the facets branch which havn't been 
accepted by the core devs yet.

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