Integration with Mars Edit is planned for 0.7, FYI.  I don't know what 
that entails, but I imagine there will be the possibility for supporting 
other options.

> I'm actually quite interested in implementing the atom publishing protocol, 
> and have been thinking a lot about how radiant's model of what constitutes a 
> page can be mapped to atom entries. 
> Then main issue is radiant's concept of page parts (which ironically enough 
> is the reason why the admin interface needs javascript and the reason for 
> this thread starting) - but there's many ways in which parts could be mapped 
> to atom collections. I take it that wordpress/movable type/other blogging 
> platforms don't have a similar concept, which is why we don't line up with 
> the rest - perhaps only the 'content' parts get exposed through the atom 
> entry.... it's a little bit of a clash of schemas.
> Until I start seeing gui clients implementing the APP, it's not easy to see 
> how to map radiant to atom so that it's usable, but it probably wont stop be 
> geeking out on it sometime in the not too distant future.
> Dan.
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