usually I just hit whatever page I was working on before... going to
try hitting a cached page first then.

so, I created a new user and installed everything again, this time
from svn, while keeping the original mysql data. I see the cached site
fine, and the login page for the admin as well. but when I login, I
get an "Application Error (Apache)" error.

production.log has the following error when trying to render admin/page/index:

ActionView::TemplateError (The single-table inheritance mechanism
failed to locate the subclass: 'MailerPage'. This error is raised
because the column 'class_name' is reserved for storing the class in
case of inheritance. Please rename this column if you didn't intend it
to be used for storing the inheritance class or overwrite
Page.inheritance_column to use another column for that information.)
on line #44 of app/views/admin/page/_node.rhtml:
41: <% level = level + 1 -%>
42: <%
43: if expanded
44:   page.children.each do |child|
45: -%>
46: <%= render_node child, :level => level, :simple => simple -%>
47: <%

    #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/base.rb:326:in `send'
    #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/helpers/admin/page_helper.rb:4:in `render_node'
(leaving out rails-specific dump)

apache's log is empty.

I have re-installed the Mailer extension and run rake
db:migrate:extensions... no output on the rake task though, should I
scrap the extension tables and migrate again?

2007/2/22, Jacob Burkhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ohh, good to know that the memory limit is tied to the user account.
> I'll have to start creating new users for each new site I setup.
> I did notice one time my radiant on dreamhost crapped out while I was
> doing a lot of intesive admin work.  And it repeatedly failed to restart
> after that for about 15 minutes...  And then eventually it was fine
> again without me doing anything.
> I wonder if the memory limit is due to some extra startup logic or
> checking etc...
> What's the first page you hit after killing all the crapping out fcgis?
> This might make a difference. I'd think the best thing to do is hit a
> page that is already cached before hitting the admin.
> --
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