> It also forces the user to use their memory instead of having the system
> keep that knowledge:  "I need picture X -- I know I used it before.  Let
> me see, where did I put that..."  In my opinion, any good system should
> be able to tell you where (or if) assets are being used (in other words
> look at it from the asset perspective too).

I agree.

> In these cases I build mini CSS or JS files that are, really just assets
> to me.  These need that same "smart" behavior to include them in the
> page correctly.  Of course, in this case, they are added to the head
> section (automatically).  This is certainly beyond what most asset
> managers are attempting but the use cases are, really, identical with
> "insert an image", "figure out where this image is used" or "remove
> image from page."

While I agree that they are an "asset" in a sense, they are also an asset  
with a behavior, and that certainly complicates things quite a bit.  
Depending on the technical skill (or lack thereof) of a user they could  
even bring down your site (image a bad javascript file that writes in pr0n  
to your page or a css file that includes the declaration "body { display:  
none; }"). For most purposes, I'd think that this would be giving too  
_much_ power to the average user.

> Sounds like you're heading in the right direction (IMHO, anyway).

Thanks, I'll certainly keep the list posted. That, and your comments have  
given me some great new ideas/directions to take this thing.

> I think that this is a much needed aspect
> to radiant (though maybe not something you'd ever put in the core).

I'm hoping that someone makes an asset manager that's so well thought out  
and executed that John looks at it and says "Damn, we've got to have that!"

Nathan Wright
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