On Mar 6, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Per-olof Hermansson wrote:

> hi
> I have set up a Radiant site about Swedish shorthand
> (www.stenografi.se).
> On some pages I would like the Extended part to show up as a Read
> more... link, (which I know how to do), but somehow they show up on  
> the
> page.
> Is there a way to shut the extended page of, so that the link is  
> used in
> stead?

In the stock radiant that you are using, the template is designed to  
show the entire body and extended parts of the page when you are  
viewing that page.  The body part is used on other pages for  
<r:children:each> blocks.  I think you are asking to have that  
functionality on the page itself.  I'm not sure of how you would  
recall the page again to show the extended portion.  Is there a way  
to pass a value to the url to have it show the extended part?  like / 

You could always make the "extended" content a child of the page and  
then link to that child, but I like the idea of keeping the content  
in the different parts and just showing those as needed.

You could also do it with javascript and hidden divs in your layout.

Hopefully someone else can have a better answer.

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