I missed a step in my inital setup.

I'm an idiot. My paths were all wrong.

It's ok now, and MT were, in the end, helpful in helping me.

Thanks so much!


Jena Jena wrote:
> Nope. No go.
> I give up. It's in there someplace, but I can't seem to figure out how 
> to target it.
> Thanks for the help!
> -Jena
> Jena Jena wrote:
>> Ruby is totally installed - it comes with the package...
>> I'll try this now...
>> Thanks!
>> Erik van Oosten wrote:
>>> Hi Jena,
>>> Try running the script with the word 'ruby' in front of it. If you do
>>> not have Ruby installed, well then I am afraid you have to ask again.
>>>  > ruby ../script/setup_database production
>>> Regards,
>>>     Erik.
>>> Jena Jena wrote:
>>>> terminal, yes?
>>>>> Where is your ruby executable?
>>>>>> Any advice would be appreciated.
>>>>> institutions,
>>>>> and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not 
>>>>> afraid.
>>>>> Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the 
>>>>> chief
>>>>> glory of man.
>>>>>    -- Bertrand Russell
>>> --
>>> Erik van Oosten
>>> http://day-to-day-stuff.blogspot.com/

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