I have based http://smpl.se on the "simple blog" included in Radiant  
0.6 RC1. There is one piece of code in the "Normal" layout that I  
don't quite understand:

<r:if_url matches="^/articles/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/.+"><r:unless_url  
matches="-archives/$"><p class="info">Posted by <r:author /> on  
<r:date /></p></r:unless_url></r:if_url>

What does it do? I've created several "sections" based on the  
'articles' section, with a different blog in each (I know I, I should  
be using categories or tags). My 'articles' nodes ar called:


Do I need to do anything to that code? Should I remove it?

I feel that some of the default templates are a bit too complex. I'd  
like to reduce the complexity by not requiring a new Radiant-user to  
change a lot of regular expressions - often having to match several  
expressions to each other.

I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense. I am a new user myself,  
so I'm learning as I go.

Ideally I'd like to see a turnkey install of a simple but very  
capable blogging engine, pared down to the bare esentials. The target  
audience would be both people who want something simple so they can  
start publishing right away, and the crowd who want something simple  
that they can start building on.

I'm going to keep working on smpl.se and see what I come up with.  
Right now it's a mess, but it'll get better. I'm only going to work  
on pages, snippets and layouts: I'll leave the back end to you guys -  
I'd love to talk about it though, if I have any questions or ideas.


Martin Olsson
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