[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Francesco Lunelli wrote:
>> Hello to everybody,
>> I am developing some new site with radiant,
>> but partciularly with one oh these I have strange performance problems.
>> Sometimes a page takes very long time to show, more than 50 seconds,
>> sometimes the same page came up in less then one second.
>> ...
>> rocessing SiteController#show_page (for at 2007-04-16
>> 13:20:49) [GET]
>>  Parameters: {"url"=>"/", "action"=>"show_page", "controller"=>"site"}
>> Completed in 142.14869 (0 reqs/sec) | DB: 5.45009 (3%) | 200 OK
>> [http://ml2007.ifl.it/]
> Where is your site being hosted?
> Does this happen only when first starting the site, only after a long 
> delay between visits, or at any time?
The site is hosted on a webserver that I can manage.
The problem happens quite often, sometimes at the start of the server,
but often afeter a delay  between visits, but sometimes even there is
not a long delay betweeb visits.
I am actually triyng to define better the problem.

Francesco Lunelli
Ymir s.r.l.
Viale Verona 190/11
38100 Trento

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