Hello everybody,

Using the 'mental' branche:

I'm trying to make a shop extension with the help of the well know book
'agile web development...' and of course after alot of reading at the
lists and the radiant site.

I've succesfully used tags to have make a nice <product:each /> block and
now I want to have a <product:addtocartbutton /> for I'd love to use the
nice ActionView::Helpers which you appearantly all loose and need to
include yourself. Why is this? I love rails alot for this. Wouldn't this
help people alot?
I've tried including them but UrlHelper needs an 'url_for' attribute which
I have not succeeded to supply. Has anyone else succeeded? I stoppped here
because it doesn't seem the right way to go I guess.

So...I think I need at least one controller available in the site, in
which I succeeded using

map.connect 'shop/:action', :controller => 'shop'

now it's clear how to disable the need for authentication but now I need
to get rid of the application.rhtml markup. If I define my own, it
completly overwrites the original which is not what I ment of course.
Second, every site user needs a shopping cart, so I've uncommented
'sessions: off'. I've read something about caching session headers but I
tested and looking at the cookies _session_id behaved normal as far as I
could see. This is not an issue anymore?

To sumarize my questions:

What would be the best way to continue to use the ActionView::Helpers for
parts in you're site?

How do I get rid of the standard backend application.rhtml without
completly overwriting it if this will be the way to go?

Now I also need to supply the snippet of the shopping cart in the template
on every page. Does this mean I need to disable caching for the whole
site? Is there a way I could inject a small piece of evaluated code on
every page?

Thank's alot for any hint in the right direction.


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