The other impetus was to reduce the pain of moving from a regular
Rails app to developing an extension.  In a lot of ways I feel this
method is less of a 'hack' than the special 'extension_fixtures'
method that never quite felt right to me.


On 5/10/07, Adam Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've recently used it as well.
> I can see your concern here, Dan. As a framework builder, one must be
> careful about what he encourages folks to do.
> At the same time, allowing access to aspects of the framework to the
> end that users may go beyond the imaginings of the framework
> designers is a very important part of framework design, IMO. To my
> experience, these hooks are what allow the most advanced programmers
> to go further. Again, I agree that we do not want to be in a position
> where something like the Radiant test data is a form of public API. I
> for one am quite willing to use that data at my own risk, recognizing
> that should the time come that it changes, I will have a bit of work
> to do. I don't suppose a person would upgrade to a later version of
> Radiant expecting to do no work ;)
> I have a friend who has said that making methods private is like
> saying to all future users of the code, "I'm smarter than you - there
> is no reason you should ever want to touch this". Of course, I'm more
> of the mind that private is a design tool, indicating more that, "I
> can't imagine right now why you would ever want to change this". In
> this frame of mind, I trust that Ruby will allow them work around my
> shortsightedness ;), whereas a language like Java, half the
> programmers using it don't even begin to know how to invoke a private
> method.
> Anyway, we use the Radiant test data because it saves us a bunch of
> time writing our own.
>     aiwilliams
> On May 10, 2007, at 8:38 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> > Yes, I have used it.  In fact, I wrote that patch/extension.  Are you
> > going to be at RailsConf? Maybe we can meet up and hack on some stuff.
> >
> > Sean
> >
> > On 5/10/07, Daniel Sheppard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We seem to have a patch in place that allows fixtures to be loaded
> >> from multiple directories. To do so, we have changed
> >> Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path from a string to an array.
> >>
> >> What is the justification for this? It looks like it's there for
> >> extension testing, but can't extensions just provide their own
> >> fixtures to provide enough data for what they want to test?
> >>
> >> If we're allowing extensions to use the core test data, then that
> >> test data has become something published, and as such needs to be
> >> kept in a backwards-compatible manner - do we want to take that on?
> >>
> >> I just stumbled across this as I was trying to write a test for an
> >> extension that calls 'fixture_file_upload' (part of rails core) -
> >> that method expects that fixture_path is a string. I could extend
> >> the patch to change the behaviour of ActionController::TestProcess
> >> so that that will work, but that doesn't mean that there aren't
> >> plugins out there that rely on fixture_path being in place that will
> >> also be broken by that change.
> >>
> >> Has anybody actually written an extension that needs this
> >> functionality for its testing? If not, I'd like to just remove the
> >> fixture_loading_extension.rb patch.
> >>
> >> Dan.
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