> app on top of the Radiant site.  That is, I'm going to 
> (attempt to) use 
> Apache mod_rewrite to properly dispatch incoming URLs to the right 
> application: RadiantCMS or CustomRailsApp.  I'm going to 
> attempt to make 
> the pages in the CustomRailsApp look like the pages found in Radiant. 
> I'm going to attempt to disguise the URLs so that the custom 
> pages look 
> like they are part of the same Radiant site.  The idea is to 
> make these 
> two separate apps (each running on their own mongrels) appear 
> seamlessly 
> integrated.

You don't need to separate out your app at that level. You can just drop in 
your rails app code right into your radiant directory.
The only thing that's are not going to work off the bat are:

- There's no way to use your radiant layouts from a rhtml page. I believe that 
this would be fairly simple to code up though.

- Rails provides no mechanism for getting routes from multiple locations. 
Radiant, however, does - extensions:

class MyExtension < Radiant::Extension
  define_routes do |map|
    #define your rails routes here

There is fundamentally very little difference between developing a rails app 
and developing a radiant extension - move everthing to
vendor/extensions/extname, write an extension loading file that defines your 
routes and then you're done.

Feel free to look through 
http://soxbox.no-ip.org/radiant/svn/extensions/x_groggy/ - everything I've been 
doing has been to extend
radiant's interface, but there's no fundamental difference between what I've 
done there and extending radiant with your own
non-radiant controllers/models/views.


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