My apologies if this has already been discussed...

I'm converting a website which uses relative links into Radiant.
Relative links are a bit screwy in Radiant because Radiant has done away
with folders.

I like this convention -- that pages can have children -- but browsers
still think in terms of folders.  The issue is the trailing slash.

In the following example:
  |- A
  |  |- C
  |  |- D
  |- B

In Radiant, I can render page A in my browser with either:
  * http://root/a
  * http://root/a/

This makes perfect sense since page A is both a child of root/ and the
parent of other pages.

However, if in page A I have a relative link: <a href="b">, the target
page depends on the address used.  In the first case, I will be directed
to http://root/b because the browser thinks I'm in the root/ folder.  In
the second case, I'm sent to http://root/a/b because it thinks I'm in
the root/a/ folder.

Has anyone else run into this?  If so, how are you solving it?  Is there
a best practice here or some Radiant tag, or is everyone just using
absolute URLs?

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