Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info, these IE/FF issues are site wide, so the <head> option
will be the go. Since you mentioned Safari and Opera, I should check the
site against them also.

Cheers, Ben.

On 7/4/07, Chris Parrish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben,
> I think that I understand your problem (I have a similar situation).
> The solution depends on your exact needs:
> If EVERY page needs this, then the magic that makes your styles work
> goes in your main, site layout -- right in the <head> section as you
> mentioned.  Then, if every page uses this layout, every page gets your
> magic.
> If you only need this for a few select pages, then you either create a
> custom layout for those pages and apply that layout to the needed pages
> or, use a method similar to the one I mention in this post:
> http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/109023
> As an aside, since I found that I needed a few extra css definitions
> ONLY for IE 5 & 6, I used IE proprietary conditional statements (like:
> <!--[if lt IE 7]><style type="text/css" media="screen">@import
> "/css/default-old-ie.css";</style><![endif]--> )instead of javascript
> browser detection.
> I'm not a huge fan of IE conditionals normally, but because it was IE
> only, this was a very clean way to accomplish my goals.  Had I also
> needed a stylesheet to handle Safari bugs (or Opera, etc), I'd have gone
> the way of js.  Just a suggestion.
> -Chris
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