I have installed the latest version of Radiant using

$ sudo gem install --include-dependencies radiant
$ sudo radiant --database mysql /var/www/radiant

Edit config/database.yml as required.
$ sudo nano config/database.yml

Run the database bootstrap rake task:
$ sudo rake production db:bootstrap

Migrate and initialise DB:
$ sudo rake db:migrate

Start it like a normal Rails application. To test execute:
$ sudo script/server -e production

Open a Web browser on port 3000

It works to here, however once I use Crtl-C and then re-initialise it using

$ sudo mongrel_rails start

The styled site (option 3) loads OK but if I try to access any of the three
default posts, the page then loads the /admin/login page instead of the
particular post.

I have reloaded this again from scratch with the same result.

Any ideas what is occurring?

Regards, Ben.
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