Keith Bingman wrote:
> Cool! I have discovered a few things missing in that patch this week  
> and have uploaded the corrections.

Can you create a patch for these against the Jargon branch and attach it 
to ticket 507?

>> * A combo box needs to be added to the login screen that will allow  
>> you to select your language
> Per user languages were something I wanted to add, but I was waiting  
> to see were you went with this.

Ok, thinking out loud here. Perhaps it should be configured under 
user/preferences instead. That way you wouldn't have to select it every 
time you logged in.

>> * Support for auto selecting the language based on the content type
>>    requested by the User's browser

If it hasn't be configured on the User preferences page, I'd suggest 
that we auto-detect it when they log in.

>> * A strategy that will allow extensions to offer multi-language  
>> support
> This one is hard. The way Gibberish works is that it loads the  
> language file. The easy way to do it is too paste the changes onto  
> the language file, but this will get out of control very quickly.  
> Ideally an extension will have it's own Gibberish files. At very  
> least, each extension that replaces a view needs to be updated to  
> support Gibberish. Do you have any thoughts about this John?

I think it's just a matter of creating a load path for language 
translation files so that Gibberish knows to look in multiple places and 
can resolve conflicts between files based on load path precedence.

Once that level of support has been added to Gibberish it should be 
fairly trivial to ensure that each extension's translation files are 
loaded correctly.

I'm definately open to suggestions here.

John Long
Radiant mailing list

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