I am having problems serving 0.61 through Lighttpd.  The pages will load
without the css in Safari 2 on OS X.  I checked the error log.

Processing SiteController#show_page (for at 2007-08-27
02:44:27) [GET]
  Parameters: {"url"=>["articles", "2007", "08"], "action"=>"show_page",
Completed in 0.18070 (5 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00886 (4%) | 200 OK

Processing SiteController#show_page (for at 2007-08-27
02:44:29) [GET]
  Parameters: {"url"=>["styles.css"], "action"=>"show_page",
Completed in 0.00164 (610 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00028 (17%) | 304 Not
Modified [http://www.ushousingreport.com/styles.css]

It looks like it is not serving the get request because the stylesheet
has not been modified.

I do not receive this problem when using webrick on the same server.

Is there something basic I should be checking?
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