If you have the reorder and copy/move extension both installed one  
will override the others view, so you will have to combine the  
contents of the_node.rhtml files - to something like this:

       <td class="duplicate-child"><%= link_to image('copy- 
move', :alt => 'CopyMove'), page_copy_move_url(:id => page) %></td>
       <td class="reorder"><%= page.children.empty? ? '' : link_to 
(image('reorder', :alt => 'reorder children'),  
page_reorder_children_url(:id => page)) %></td>

On 11 Oct 2007, at 17:02, Christian Billen wrote:

> But according to the instruction i'm expecting some sort of copy  
> button by the add child, all I see is Add Child, Remove and Reorder  
> in my case.

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