Does the 'rails' command work?

If not, then wherever gem is installing executables isn't in your path.

If so, then my guess is something went awry when Radiant installed,  
have you tried a gem uninstall and then reinstall?


On Oct 11, 2007, at 3:09 PM, Niko Kotiniemi wrote:

> Hi,
> I've tried Googling for a solution and reading through the tutorials,
> how to's etc. but to no avail, it seems that I've a rare sort of
> problem.
> I have Ruby, Rails and Radiant (+MySQL) installed on a Ubuntu 7,04
> desktop computer, Rails and Radiant were successfully installed
> through gems.
> For some reason the command Radiant cannot be found - as if some path
> statement was missing, the same applies to rake as well.
> Following these instructions:
> "Once you have the gem installed, use the "radiant" command to create
> a new project:
> % radiant --database [mysql|postresql|sqlite3] path/to/project"
> produces the following error (the same with sudo ..):
> main:~$ radiant
> bash: radiant: command not found
> Any ideas what should be added and where and how? I'm hoping I could
> get to familiarize myself with Radiant before considering it for some
> projects.
> Kindest regards,
> Niko Kotiniemi
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