Hi Everyone,

I tried to install Aitor's extension backdoor. I am using a shared hosting
account running rails on CGI. Is not that fast, but is working well so far.

I checked out thorugh svn the stable version of backdoor
http://backdoor.rubyforge.org/svn/tags/stable/ on vendor/extensions (I
placed it on a directory named backdoor).

And then tried to login in the admin interface I receive the message
Application error
        Rails application failed to start properly"

May be is a permission mode issue.
I CHMODed 755 the folders, but I still have the issue, and since the
application doesn't starts I have nothing on log file.

I had same issue when trying to install SASS filter.

Am I missing something?

Could you give me some landmarks for get backdoor to work?

Thank you in advance!


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