I'm trying to get radiant 0.6.4 to behave, but it keeps trowing this errror
at me:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `find' for Status:Class) on line
#15 of vendor/radiant/app/views/admin/page/_node.rhtml:
12:         </span>
13:       </td>
14: <% unless simple -%>
15:       <td class="status <%= page.status.name.downcase %>-status"><%=
page.status.name %></td>
16:       <td class="add-child"><%= link_to image('add-child', :alt => 'add
child'), page_new_url(:parent_id => page) %></td>
17:       <td class="remove"><%= link_to image('remove', :alt => 'remove
page'), page_remove_url(:id => page) %></td>
18: <% end -%>

This behaviour is same, regardles of the frozen radiant version (tried with
0.6.4 tag, and with edge). I've also reinstalled radiant gem, but can't lose
the error. Any ideas?
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