For an Apache without Radiant you can use the DirectorySlash directive of
mod_dir.  With a Radiant/Rails app i don't know how this directive will
behave but i guess that it will not work since incoming request are passed
directly to Rails.

   Other alternatives that spring to mind are:

   - use a custom extension that rewrites the URLs somehow, on page
generation time or saving time
   - do the redirect in Javascript on the client side


On Feb 5, 2008 1:50 AM, Bill Barnard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a recent project I've got the end users building pages using Textile
> and creating links like "My Link":local_page, which when followed
> results in a URL with no trailing slash, e.g.
> This is okay until there's a relative link from local_page to sub_page
> which yields a URL of instead of
> I *could* try to train the users to
> put trailing slashes in their links, but that kind of approach always
> breaks. I want to rewrite any URLs that don't end with a filename
> extension to add the trailing slash.
> I found a similar problem referenced in the mailing list at
> which induced me to read a little on mod_rewrite.
> Here is what I wound up doing in my .htaccess file. I'd love to know if
> anyone knows a better way of fixing this.
> # My regex matches when none of the following conditions are met:
> #   URI ends with filename extension:  \.[^/]*$
> #   URI ends with a slash: [^/]/+$
> #   URI is the top level: ^/$
> #   URI is in the admin tree: ^/admin.*
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[^/]+|[^/]/+|^/admin.*|^/$)$
> RewriteRule .* %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R,L]
> The condition excludes the admin tree because without it I disabled the
> "Clear Page Cache" function.
> Bill
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