I can invite Daniel, if no one else has.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Sean Cribbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems our GitHub experiment has been pretty timely -- the Rails project
> will be moving to GitHub shortly, if they haven't already -- and so far
> successful in promoting collaboration.
>  In the past few days since I announced the experiment, we've had 24 people
> start watching the repository, and a number of forks.  Nick Plante submitted
> the first pull request (an enhancement to Shards), which I must say was
> immensely easier to integrate than the diff/patch workflow SVN requires.
>  On that note, will someone with some spare invites please send one to
> Daniel Sheppard?  I've used all of mine up.  His address is daniels AT
> thegroggysquirrel DOT com.
>  Here's my game plan for tomorrow, my first regular "Radiant day":
>  * Expand coverage of "helper" specs
>  * Convert core extension tests to specs, verify generated spec_helper and
> test_helper
>  * Continue working on rewrite of "accents" (extension registry)
>  * Plan and/or record podcast episode
>  * IRC "office hours", of course
>  Cheers,
>  Sean
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