If there is any actual documentation for the "artofmission" comments extension could someone please point me to it. If not maybe someone who has experience with it knows where I'm going wrong. So far I've done

1. Installed the latest will_paginate from mislav
2. Installed the fastercsv gem
3. Installed the comments extension
4. Ran the comments extension migration
5. Restarted the server
6. Added `<r:snippet name="comment"/>` to my blog page template

After #6 I check the site and get the following instead of a comment block:

undefined method `author_url' for nil:NilClass
undefined method `author' for nil:NilClass
undefined method `author_url' for nil:NilClass
said on
undefined method `created_at' for nil:NilClass
undefined method `content_html' for nil:NilClass
undefined method `approved?' for nil:NilClass
undefined method `approved?' for nil:NilClass

The logs don't show anything unusual or errorish.

I also tried `<r:snippet name="comments"/>` & `<r:snippet name="comment_form"/>` in my template but those don't show anything when the page is rendered not even the above error.

Anyone have an idea what is going on here?

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