I like SASS. I like promoting SASS. But giving SASS as an option to every page might be confusing to a basic, non-technical user.

SASS is really geared at the designer. Does the SASS filter take this user role into account?

FWIW, I'm sort of inclined to want Textile and Markup not be "standard" but rather a regular extension. After all, some may prefer to leave them out and instead use WMD, or even a WYSIWYG editor. And there have been some discussions of wanting to use different Markdown or Textile parsers too.

Just my $0.02.


Andrew Neil wrote:

On 29 Aug 2008, at 20:35, Chuck Barr wrote:

Sean Cribbs wrote:
Haml has been included in Radiant since 0.6.7.  We need to remove it
from the sass_filter extension.


I realize there's potential confusion for the new user but sass_filter
should come stock like textile or markdown.


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