
i'm a newbie on the radiant front. got a q on images. i've created a
stylesheet using a page with a content type of text/css with <r:content
/> as the body. its published and the css is working fine.
the only issue i have is where i want to use a tiled image for a faux
column layout. when i reference the image in the css it doesnt render.

  max-width: 1200px;
  min-width: 750px;
  background: url('/images/wrap-background.jpg') repeat-y 70% 0;

i've placed the image in the public/images folder.

when i try to get the image directly i get a 404, is there some way for
me to get radiant to server the image directly. i saw in the admin for
example it uses /images/admin/image.png?12345.

at this stage i'm just trying to get up and running with something
any help is much appreciated.

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