I've got a case where parameters to snippets are not availabe. It
occurs when I call a snippet with parameters from another snippet:

Content of page "Referenzen":
<r:snippet name="list_childs_as_generic_entries" />

The "Referenzen" page contains childs with "text", "image" and "body"
parts defined.

Content of snippet "list_childs_as_generic_entries":
<ul class="b_entries">
      <h1><r:link /></h1>
      <r:snippet name="image_with_border" class="box img posleft">
        !(photo)<r:content part="image" />(<r:title />)!
      <p><r:content part="text" /></p>

Content of snippet "image_with_border":
<div<r:if_var name="class"> class="<r:var name="class" />"</r:if_var>>
  <div class="top"><div>&nbsp;</div></div>
  <div class="body"><r:yield /></div>
  <div class="bottom"><div>&nbsp;</div></div>

The class parameter is not set if a open the page "Referenzen".

If i call the snippet "image_with_border" directly from a page and not
from a snippet, it works.

Any ideas on that?

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