I wasn't sure what you meant about people your age, so I looked back at what I sent. I added 50-ish to quantify "a lot," not to describe the age of the technically-challenged users. Sorry for the misunderstanding! We have about 50 "curators" who update our web site. Most of them are administrative assistants, though some are department chairs with PhDs or even departmental marketing people. They have varying levels of writing skill and technical aptitude, with little correlation to their age.

Web publishing is inherently complex. You mention relevant content and grammar. Also, writing for the web (brevity, headlines, photo captions, SEO), layout, and design—it's a tricky business. To manage the inherent complexity, we have to hire well and train well.

My aim is just to reduce the incidental complexity for them (and for me). Web publishing should be as simple as possible and no simpler. :-)


On Nov 20, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Anton J Aylward wrote:

Jason Garber said the following on 11/20/2008 08:50 AM:

[ANN] radiant-textile_editor-extension makes Radiant really easy to
use for non-technical content editors!


If you're using Textile, make sure you're using version >= 4.0.  A
lot of the hate on RedCloth was rooted in how buggy it was for a few
years.  You'll need the redcloth4 extension to make it work in
Radiant 0.9.6.


I'll ignore your comments about people my age since I'm battling trying
to get openSUSE to recognise & work with Passenger (thought this isn't
reason to give up and go back to Mandriva) and simply ask you to supply
details on all of the above, references to github (etc)

Some of the younger people at associations & clubs whose sites I have
put up on hosting services seem daunted by the idea of editing in a CMS,
whereas the old timers just see it as another web interface, no
different from gmail or whatever.  YMMV.  The older people also seem
better at coming up with relevant (aka non-gossipy) content and their
grammar is better :-)

But lowering the threshold of access is always a good thing!

Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several
thousand things that won't work.
   Thomas A. Edison

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