Radiant is such a nice platform to develop on that it really pains me to choose another CMS for an upcoming website. It's mainly a brochure site but they also sell about 50 products. They currently have an outdated CMS and a yahoo shopping cart. They want to move forward with an integrated approach. I've been trying out Substruct which has both of these features. The Cart is great but the CMS just fall short of what I've gotten accustom to. Mainly, there's no control of the layout or CSS from the back-end. It might be possible to fix that but I'm not sure how much work it would be. I've also looked at Spree. It looks okay for a cart but doesn't seem to have any other CMS type functions. Maybe it would work well side by side with Radiant or as sub domain but I don't see any way it could be integrated.

What are some other approach people have taken to give this type of client what they need?


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