On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Andrew vonderLuft <andr...@avlux.net>wrote:

> In my experience, the current version of copy_move works fine with 0.6.9
> git clone git://github.com/pilu/radiant-copy-move.git
> (I know, I didn't answer the question).

With the most current version of the copy_move extension and v. 0.6.9 I get
this "error" for every page in the list of pages:
*`copy_move_extra_th' default partial not found!

I *have used this extension in the past without any problems at all, but in
building (rebuilding) a project this weekend I am having this problem. I can
only imagine it is because of this comment in three places from the latest
commit: "used the new
. Again, I imagine this is to allow for the extension to work with v. 0.7
but it seems to break compatibility with 0.6.9. Am I wrong?

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