I've just prepared a whole site using the Radiant CMS and I'm happy with
how it looks etc but when I deploy it to my server there are little bits
of code appearing that shouldn't be there!

For example there are <br /> tags appearing in a list of images that are
left floated, so they stagger downwards instead of being displayed in a

And on one page the styled comments look great and on another the
'clearing' tags have been left out so they're mushed up into each
other... yet both pages use the same snippet to render the comments and
it CONTAINS the clearing tags!!!

I tried emptying the cache but it's done nothing. The only thing I can
think of is that these are throwbacks to earlier code, like when the
images were text links with <br /> tags after them, that have somehow
got resurrected when I deployed...

I just can't figure it out though, anyone got ANY suggestions?!


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