On Feb 3, 2009, at 3:28 PM, N. Turnage wrote:
Hey all. I am using the templates extension and I have 'address1'
and 'address2' fields in a template used to hold information about a
number of institutions. When I use r:children:each to iterate over
the fields for each institution, some or which do not have any
content in the address2 field, the bullet is still rendered using
using the following block:
<h5><r:title /></h5>
<r:content part="address1" />
<r:if_content part="address2">
• <r:content part="address2" />
I was expecting that because the address2 field is empty that the
bullet and address2 content part would not be rendered. Is that not
what is supposed to happen?
In retrospect, the if_content should be called if_part, since that's
what it means.
if_content doesn't check for contents in the part (or whether or not
the part is blank) it checks if the part exists
Would it make sense if a feature was added to it so that you could do
something like
<r:if_content part="address2" check_text="true">
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