Yup, also getting this error 0.7.1. Bit of a showstopper as far as the comments extension goes.

A - vaguely works- workaround is to take the user back to the page the comment was posted from. They won't see their comment or get any hint that it is awaiting approval but at least the site doesn't explode.

 def create
   comment = @page.comments.build(params[:comment])
   comment.request = request

CommentMailer.deliver_comment_notification(comment) if Radiant::Config['comments.notification'] == "true"

   flash[:selected_comment] = comment.id
   redirect_to "#...@page.url}#comment-#{comment.id}" <---

Doesn't help if they fail validation though.


Victor Elsendoorn wrote:
Thanks Simon, for your reply. However this doesn't solve the problem. The error remains:

    The error occurred while evaluating nil.relative_url_root.

and by the way the radiant version I'm using is indeed 0.7.1

Other ideas?

Thanks in advance.

On Apr 2, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Simon Josi wrote:

I'm still using 0.6.9, I don't know if this issue is fixed for 0.7.x.
I've fixed this in my fork of the comments extensions:


On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:01:27 +0200
Victor Elsendoorn <elsendo...@w3craft.nl> wrote:

Dear list,

I found out having trouble with the comments extension in
combination with the usages of a navigation snippet based on using
the <r:link /> tag.

It seems that it has something to do with the fact that the
<r:link /> tag is producing relative url's rather than absolute
url's. Can someone tell me how to use absolute url's instead of the
relative ones?

By the way, the error produced by the comments controller: not
expecting nil_relative_url_for

Hope someone can help me out here.

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