Hi Jim,
I passed your note on to the support staff at my web host. I am amazed that more people aren't experiencing the same problems I am. My web host is amazed, too. Thanks for your suggestion, Jim. I hope somebody else also chimes in...
~ Alexis

On Aug 10, 2009, at 1:55 PM, Jim Gay wrote:

On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Alexis Masters wrote:

Hello group!
I am eager to start using Radiant 0.8, but every time I try to set up a site with it, I have so much trouble that I revert back to 0.7.1. I have found where others are having the same problem I am having but cannot find a solution anywhere.

Can someone kindly help me figure this out? Here's a link to a post that clearly states the problem:

Thanks for any info you can share,
~ Alexis

How are you serving the app? Could this be related? 

Jim Gay

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