Hi all!

I'am using Radiant 0.7.1 in one of my projects now. And I need to paginate
my articles stored in the tree under /releases/ slug.
For example,

   1. /releases/20090921-01
   2. /releases/20090921-02
   3. /releases/20090921-03
   4. /releases/20090920-01

And so on... Count of this pages may be about 200-300.
I have some page, called /press-releases/ which is described as:

<r:find url="/releases/">
<r:children:each limit="20" order="desc" by="published_at">
<div class="date"><r:date for="published_at" format="%d.%m.%Y" /></div>
<div class="text"><a href="<r:url />"><r:translator:title /></a><br
/><r:translator:short length="450" /></div>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"

This helps me to display only last 20 items of /releases/ tree. But what if
I need to display other releases, even after this 20?
I need to draw some page-link, for example:
Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ...
On page 2, it will display items from 21 to 40
On page 3, it will display items from 41 to 60 and so on...

Is there any stuff in radiant CMS to help me with this task? Can anybody
help me?

Thank you all!
Mamed Mamedov

Sent from Baku, Azerbaijan
Marie von 
- "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."
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