
Haselwanter Edmund schrieb:
> you c
> On 20.01.2010, at 15:16, Joanna Ludmiła Ryćko wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a non-trivial problem with a construction of the sitemapper (and
>> an analogous problem with my navigation) and I wish you could help.
>> Whereas the problem with the sitemapper is hidden and the only the w3
>> validator sees the problem, the problem with the navigation causes false
>> output on the page...
> you could try to use the wonderful navigation_tags extension (and look at the 
> forkes for additional 
> functionality like excluding pages)
> http://github.com/derencius/navigation_tags/

Thanks for your advice. Do you know any better source of documentation
for this extension? Since the readme file is really short and not
detailed enough, so I can't understand if it's possible to look for
particular part of the children's pages and how to achieve it.

What do you mean with the "forkes"?

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