
Be decisive about which version you are installing.
In 0.8, a user could respond to developer?
In 0.9 that was changed to designer?

It looks to me like you might have a 0.9 database running with the 0.8 gem

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Hugo Villero <hvill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I'm trying to install radiant 0.8.x or 0.9.0 on Hostingrails but I'm getting
> this error: Has been anybody getting that error ? And how could be the fix
> for that, thank you for your help.
> ----------
> ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `developer?' for
> #<User:0xb32fe14>) on line #24 of
> /home/clearly1/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/radiant-0.8.1/app/views/admin/users/index.
> html.haml:
> 21:               = link_to user.name, edit_admin_user_url(user)
> 22:               %small.login= h user.login
> 23:           - tbody.roles_cell do
> 24:             %td.roles= roles(user)
> 25:           - tbody.modify_cell do
> 26:             %td.remove
> 27:               - if user == current_user
>    radiant (0.8.1) app/helpers/admin/users_helper.rb:5:in `roles'
>  radiant (0.8.1) app/views/admin/users/index.html.haml:24:in
> `_run_haml_47home47clearly14746gem47ruby47146847gems47radiant45046846147app4
> 7views47admin47users47index46html46haml'
>    radiant (0.8.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:261:in
> `call'
>    radiant (0.8.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:261:in
> `capture_haml'
>    radiant (0.8.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:430:in
> `with_haml_buffer'
>    radiant (0.8.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:258:in
> `capture_haml'
>    radiant (0.8.1)
> vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:90:in
> `capture'
>    radiant (0.8.1) lib/radiant/admin_ui/region_partials.rb:13:in
> `method_missing'
> ------------
> Does anybody get this error before? And how could be the fix for that,
> Thank you all for your help,
> Regards,
> Hv

Jim Gay
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