On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Arlen Walker <arlen.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Was working with a development environment when suddenly the admin pages 
> started looking funny, and I'm getting some javascript errors.
> The js errors are centered around Behavior, which comes from lowpro.js, and 
> I'm noticing that the admin pages aren't loading it correctly. not sure what 
> I screwed up, but when I try to go back and

what does the error console have to say about the javascript errors?

> rebuild from fresh, I'm getting "undefined method 'locale'" after logging in.

this part sounds like you were running an edge version and then
updated to a newer edge version and didn't run `rake db:migrate`

> Any idea what I screwed up?
> Have Fun,
> Arlen
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> In God we trust, all others must supply data
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